Monday, 18 August 2008
I've just finished reading the firs scene of this book and it makes for interesting reading. One of the main characters is Susan, who has decided to change her name to Rita. She is a twenty-six-year-old middle class woman that works as a hairdresser. She has decided to take a literature course at the Open University. She sais she wants to discover herself before starting a family and that she wants a better way of living her life, but her husband cannot and does not want to understand this. She wants to study because she wants to know a bit more about everything in order to distinguish herself from the people that surround her. She has a lively and enquiring mind and she wants to be academic, expand her knowledge of the world and see things from the point of view of a more educated person. I think that she wants to know if she can get further than being a hairdresser or a housekeeper for the rest of her life, and she is determined to do it!
Education should always be encouraged, no matter how old you are you can always learn something. Fortunately, Rita is an adult and has the will to learn more, but sometimes children need to be helped to understand that it is necessary to receive at least primary and secondary education. It is true that many times people who have studied and became professionals are not well-paid and this may be one discouraging factor as children may think that it is not worth studying so many years, but it is also true that this should not keep us from continuing trying to reach what we want to be.
Cool new blog, Adri! Once again, I've been impressed by your customisation of the template, and your reflective style. Keep it up!
As I read your lines, I wanted to ask you:
1. Why do you think Susan has decided to change her name? What do you think of such an idea?
2. When you say "a more educated person", do you mean simply someone who's attended school for more years?
3. If making money is not the reason for working hard to get an education, then what is it?
Thick questions, I know... Just answer as much (or as little) of them as you like!
Big hug,
Hi Gladys!
I believe that Susan has changed her name because he refuses to live a life in which everything has been imposed to her. She knows she has the power to change her life and reach her dreams. She has changed her name and once again she has decided to prove that her future is not predetermined and that she can learn and be a different kind of person from what her husband, family and customers expect her to be.
I believe Rita wants to be a more educated woman because she feels she is missing a lot of things. For example, she says tahat her husband calls the opera or the ballet rubish because he doesn't undestand what it is about. Those kind of T.V. programmes appeal to more educated people, and perhaps she finds education a way of becoming aware of a lot of things that she can't see now and reaching a higher status.
Sometimes working hard to get an education doesn't give in return a lot of money. I think that you have to study what you feel that is going to make you feel complete,and this is what Rita is trying to reach. Of course that we need money, but we could have all the money in the world and still feel we are missing something if education was a pending subjetct for us.
Bravo! Enjoyed every single word you posted, Adri!
Can't keep typing: need both hands to keep clapping! ;-)
Hi Adri!!
I agree with Gladys,every line you write makes reflect on my future career.I don't know if you have ever thought about these discouriging factors that you had mentioned,what can we do whenever a student think that is not worth studying duringlong time?
thanks very much for this, its heloing me with my gcse english revision greatly, but one thing you got wrong is that you said she is a "middle-class woman", when actually the whole point of the entire play is that she is lower class and tries to better herself to fit in with the middle classes
just thought id point that out
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