Act 2, Scenes 6 and 7

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

It's erm- well, it's er- it's a dress really.
I bought it some timr ago- for erm- for
an educted woman friend-of mine...

During the play Rita has learnt, apart from all the academic knowledge that she has acquired, that she can make choices and change her life. She doesn't have to accept things as they come, she can choose what to be. She knows now that she has the power to change her life, and perhaps she will make mistakes but she knows that she will do what she feels. She realizes how much Frank has helped her become autonomous and not depend on others. That's why she returns to her office to thank him. At the same time Frank has also learnt from Rita and from her young and fresh spirit. I think this is why he didn't wanted her to change so much, he wanted her to keep that joyful spirit that he had lost a long time ago. Frank will probably recover from his adiction, and following Rita's steps, he will change his life too. I think that this is why "Educating Frank" might have been an alternative tittle for this play. Teachers also learn from their students, and Frank has learnt from Rita an important lesson too.

" I never thought there was anythin' I could
give you. But there is. Come here, Frank..."


Gladys Baya said...

I just LOVE this last post of yours, Adri! And the photos and captions make it outstanding, IMHO.

I do agree with you good teachers are also learners, and I'm also hopeful Frank will learn even more from Rita and his future students.

I meant to ask you: do you remember any instance in which you taught one of your teachers something? It'd be great if you could share that with us!
