Rita arrives to Frank's office but this time she hasn't brought her essay. Rita tells him that her husband burnt some of the books he had lent her and also her papers after a fight they had. In spite of that, Rita won't drop out. Although her husband wants her to be the girl she was when they got married, she has changed and is starting to find herself . Rita knew that the decision she has taken wasn't an easy one, and that it was easier to keep her life as it was before because that way she wouldn't upset anyone arround her. But she's a different person now, and I think that nothing will let her down. That's why she decides to stay at Frank's office discussing Chekhov instead of accepting her teacher's suggestion that they should give the class a miss and go to the pub to have a drink and talk about what had happened.
Hi, Adri!
I believe that Rita doesn´t go to the pub with Frank because, she probably thinks that by doing that, she is giving Denny the satisfaction of dropping out, of disencouraging her.
We know that she is stronger than that when she says " if it´s all in my head, he cannot touch it"
Don´t you think?
Hi Adri and Romi!
My question this time is for boyth of you: why are you positive that going to the pub equates "dropping out / not studying"? Can't we learn outside classrooms?
See you in class!
Hi girls!
I agree with Romi in the sense that Rita thinks leaving Frank´s room is like "missing a lesson," and though I strongly believe that learning not necessarily takes place inside a classroom but also outside,Rita seems to consider that a "proper" student must be learning inside a classroom.
Yes, I think that we can learn something anywhere, but there's a big difference between going to a lesson and going to the pub to have a drink. The knowledge or what we can get from these two situations will be different, that's why Rita decides to stay. She has been warned by Frank that learning means a lot of work, so she decides to stay and finish the essay. That shows her commitment to the subject.
OK, but how about going to the pub to have a lesson?
See you in your next post!
Big hug,
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